Overview : Formula and Function on Excel
Maybe this article is for you, someone that will dealing with excel a lot or someone that just knew about excel and want to know more about it. In this article I try to cover about formula and function, and bit example of it.
What is it ?
Before we go further, we should understand what are formula and function means on excel? Formula is a type of equation that can perform calculation, this is something that you probably going to notice is when you input a formula, it is always start with “=” .
Basic Operators
+ — / *
Now let’s see how it look like ;
As you can see it always start with “=” then the cells and the operators. The Formula works by calculating each cell one by one, and the return is a result. Imagine if you had like one thousand data and how long it will took to select the cells one by one. That’s why you need something called “Function”.
Function is a predefined calculation/Formula that are already available on the excel application and others spreadsheet app. Where to find it? There you go.
Now let’s see how it look like ;
it will save you a lot of time, because you don’t need to add/select the cells one by one, It only takes a range of cells.
Function is a syntax/code that you call to execute the predefined calculation. **Note : you need to be specific while using function because it’s a syntax, if it’s not specific the return probably “syntax error”. And on the other hand formula is something that you need to create by yourself.
Thanks and enjoy the content.